We all know it is hard to let go of someone, but sometimes just keeping them your Ex can be the hardest thing to do. We are caught up in our emotions and feelings, so we sometimes consider taking them back. We might ran into them and discover that they looked even better than the last time you might have seen them. The Ex might start to make you feel the way you used to when you first met. But what we have to remember that they are only acting like this because they might want you back. However, once they have you its back to their old self again.
We fail to realise the reasons that we broke up with them in the first place. I hate do admit it but Ive done the same thing before. Its the loneliness within you that drives you to do such a crazy thing or have such a crazy thought of rekindling past loves. It's not like we cant live without them, its just the need to have someone there is stronger than the realisation of knowing that you can do so much better. But how do you easily let go of someone that you might have been in love with? Its easier said than done but first you have to break all types communication with them. Even when you delete their number, its unacceptable to ring your phone company to retrieve their number that you have just deleted. You probably wont even use the number once you get it back, you just see it as some kind of security in being able to see their number rather than using it. There is no reason for you to have that number unless you have a child together. Dont try to find an excuse to have it if this doesn't apply to you.
If your finding it hard to get over them, join a dating agency. There are a lot of potential men out there that need to be tamed. You just have to look in the right places.
Writer and Editor
i am guilty of the crime of going back to the 'ex' and its soo true not to let ourselves lose sight as to why we broke up in the first place and not be fooled that the time spent away from each other may have changed the person for the better. the chemistry may stil be there because that may be what drew you back to them but its not healthy because soon you will fall back to the same old routine and ways that you were not happy with in the first place hence the break up...ther is no point in takin 10 steps forward only to take 20 back!
but i dont think i need dating agencies just yet ;-)
ur sooo right! they aint never gona change! been there done that 100 of times! there nice as pie until they get what they want or get u bk then..Crash!!!Bang!WollP!!!!! its all over baby! bk2 the same old sht! its a cycle n only the strongest women can brake out! I did! (finaly) but not 2 say i aint in another buls**T cycle! warror princess will brake out of that 1 soon (lol) jus b strong ladies! u no u can do better! (DO NOT DELETE THEN RECLAIM NO.S! NOT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!",
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