I read somewhere that the reason that there are so many single people out there is because we are scared to grow up or that we assume that the relationship will f*** up in some way. So we say to ourselves "what's the point of actually getting into a relationship". However, having this sort of mentality will be a recipe for disaster before you even get into that relationship. I sometimes think that people are much more scared of a relationship working out than it actually failing.
Taking time to know someone is key, it’s better to know their bad points as well as the good in the beginning. It’s not advisable to concentrate on all the good points and then you act surprised to learn that there is something about them that you don’t like. You not liking your partner's fashion sense is not a valid reason to finish off a relationship. Everyone has flaws, we don’t all look like Beyonce or TI. The imperfections that we have are what make us who we are. We all know that the concept of perfection does not exist in this world. Even the person that you consider as being the most beautiful person in the world has their own flaws. Stop looking for the bad points and if you do come across them, learn to love these bad points.
There is a man/woman out there for all of us who will be willing to worship the ground we walk on, and we will most likely do the same for them. They will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. People always say how their partner "is treating them so well". Well guess what, that is what they're meant to be doing right. It shouldn't be a Monday to Wednesday thing then the rest of the week you feel unloved and unwanted.
If you want a relationship to work you have to work at it. It won’t come easy and that is what a lot of people forget. Anything worth having needs time and investment in order for it to be successful. If you feel that it might take you a long time to find yourself that special someone then do not settle for anything less, work at it till that someone becomes yours.
A very clever person once said "we all have strengths and weaknesses, so its about finding a person who fills in your gaps and you fill there's, creating a full circle". Take time and find that special someone who's built for you, if it means staying single for years then so be it. In the long run you will find that person who was destined just for you.
Taking time to know someone is key, it’s better to know their bad points as well as the good in the beginning. It’s not advisable to concentrate on all the good points and then you act surprised to learn that there is something about them that you don’t like. You not liking your partner's fashion sense is not a valid reason to finish off a relationship. Everyone has flaws, we don’t all look like Beyonce or TI. The imperfections that we have are what make us who we are. We all know that the concept of perfection does not exist in this world. Even the person that you consider as being the most beautiful person in the world has their own flaws. Stop looking for the bad points and if you do come across them, learn to love these bad points.
There is a man/woman out there for all of us who will be willing to worship the ground we walk on, and we will most likely do the same for them. They will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. People always say how their partner "is treating them so well". Well guess what, that is what they're meant to be doing right. It shouldn't be a Monday to Wednesday thing then the rest of the week you feel unloved and unwanted.
If you want a relationship to work you have to work at it. It won’t come easy and that is what a lot of people forget. Anything worth having needs time and investment in order for it to be successful. If you feel that it might take you a long time to find yourself that special someone then do not settle for anything less, work at it till that someone becomes yours.
A very clever person once said "we all have strengths and weaknesses, so its about finding a person who fills in your gaps and you fill there's, creating a full circle". Take time and find that special someone who's built for you, if it means staying single for years then so be it. In the long run you will find that person who was destined just for you.
Quotes and opinions from this blog can be found in Kojo's blog.
Elle, Writer and Editor
Go on miss Gigi!,
with your bloggin self! this is better than the metro. Good points made here and through the other articles ive read.
Is there any space to make debate or comment on these articles?
your boi round tha corna George
Hey George,
Better than the Metro, thats what i like to hear.
yeh u can just comment on the post and kick off a debate. I would love to hear ur response to any of these blogs.
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