I have been obsessed with trying to find Mr Perfect, that I actually forgot that it is okay for them to find you and that patience is of course a virtue as its always been said. It seems the more you look for something the less likely it is to find it. Its like finding the perfect dress, the more you search the more irritated you become and the less likely it becomes to run into this perfect dress. If you luckily encounter this dress, someone has already snatched it before you or the size of the dress is too big or too small for you. Just like finding the perfect dress, we are looking for the perfect man that will fulfill our needs that others have failed in so many levels.
But I hear you say, is there any man who can really come close to perfection? Well of course, no one is Mr or Mrs.Perfect, but we are entitled to have high expectations aren't we? Some of the expectations that us women have might be a bit high, but what is the point of settling for Goliath when you can have David himself.
Us women tend to become tired of finding Mr perfect. Most of us actually believe he doesn't exist. Not I though, even though I was never a fan of Disney movies, I still believe that my prince is out there waiting to make me his princess and ride away into the sunset happily ever after, cliche yes but we can all dream right. I know that you may be sickened by my unrealistic expectations of love, but I'm a true romantic. I do believe that these expectations are more than just fairy tales. Or maybe I just have to keep the belief strong for it to become a reality.
Writer and Editor
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
16 At War!

Do you remember your school years?? Don't you think as young girls we spent our time trying to conform to what was regarded as cool by certain individuals around us. No matter how hard you tried not to conform to what was considered as "cool", you were always pulled back in, through one way or another.
Once we reached puberty, it reached a time where you couldn’t wear anything without a guy hollering at you. They could have been 16 or 60 but we heard the same thing. If you tried to ignore these chants from your so called "fellow brothers", then rumors would ensue just because you couldn't give them a minute of your time. You felt if your clothes weren't that tight then those boys would not have liked you. Of course now that we are a little older we have become a lot wiser, it is now our chance to teach young girls that it is okay to be who you are and conforming to what others want you to be is not the way forward. Just because he smokes or she smokes doesn't mean you have to smoke too.
At such a young age like 16, you shouldn't have to feel like you need to be or act a certain way to be accepted by your peers. At 16 you already have the pressures of school, family and then the pressures of life itself. Sex is also a major issue at this age; you're just starting to really know your body and what it can do. However, mentally, no matter how grown you think you are, you’re still unaware about the consequences of sex. It seems as if everywhere you turned; there was always a boy trying to take your virginity. But what we have to tell these young women is that, they are not anyone’s transaction and it’s up to them to decide when they want to give this precious jewel away. At 16 we were at war with ourselves and everything around us. Therefore, in our twenties it is up to us to protect the young women being pushed to be 25.
Writer and Editor
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Childish "Men"!
It’s a sure fact that the average man thinks about sex five times more than the average woman. A man might think about it 24/7 whilst a woman might talk about a bit more often that a man. When discussing the topic of sex, men tend to refer to it in a much more vulgar way, "I banged her last night" "I was killing her last night". When we were really thinking, "Umm you weren’t killing anyone darling other than yourself". I am not saying that when discussing sex with your male counterparts you need to keep it rosy by saying "we were making love". However, plain and simple having sex will do. At least you’re not making her sound as if she was the lead girl in a porn movie.
However, us women tend to use the much more intimate word of making love or having sex. For a woman the sex element is less important than the feelings that we felt whilst performing this act. The way he looked into our eyes would be much more important than the actual act itself. So what I’m saying to you men is that you need to tone down the use of tools in your lingo, we already know what they can do.
Another thing that really erks me about men, is the way they tend to shudder each time you mention the P word. Yes you got it right, PERIOD. We are going to have it for most of our lives so it’s about time you got used to the fact that five days out of the month we will be out-of-bounds. So please do not try to humor us and yourselves by telling us that this must mean 30 minutes of unlimited foreplay on you (we think not). We don’t want you breathing or even being near us during this time. Unless you came equipped with a galaxy chocolate bar, if not then we suggest you take up a hobby for the next five or so days.
Also sometimes we are just not in the mood for sex, please don’t huff and puff at us like a 3 year old missing he's favorite toy. Don’t start humping us with the assumption that we will give into your demands. If I say I don’t want it, I mean those exact words. You prodding me with your tools will not be arousing in anyway.
In time your member will be back to doing what it does best, I'm sure it needs a rest once in a while too.
Writer and Editor
However, us women tend to use the much more intimate word of making love or having sex. For a woman the sex element is less important than the feelings that we felt whilst performing this act. The way he looked into our eyes would be much more important than the actual act itself. So what I’m saying to you men is that you need to tone down the use of tools in your lingo, we already know what they can do.
Another thing that really erks me about men, is the way they tend to shudder each time you mention the P word. Yes you got it right, PERIOD. We are going to have it for most of our lives so it’s about time you got used to the fact that five days out of the month we will be out-of-bounds. So please do not try to humor us and yourselves by telling us that this must mean 30 minutes of unlimited foreplay on you (we think not). We don’t want you breathing or even being near us during this time. Unless you came equipped with a galaxy chocolate bar, if not then we suggest you take up a hobby for the next five or so days.
Also sometimes we are just not in the mood for sex, please don’t huff and puff at us like a 3 year old missing he's favorite toy. Don’t start humping us with the assumption that we will give into your demands. If I say I don’t want it, I mean those exact words. You prodding me with your tools will not be arousing in anyway.
In time your member will be back to doing what it does best, I'm sure it needs a rest once in a while too.
Writer and Editor
Friday, 23 May 2008
When to and not to say I love you!

Sure, it's hard to hold back when the L bomb wants to escape your lips, but the object of your affection is more likely to be receptive...
When You're Sober
Booze may make you brave, but your passion proclamation loses something if your guy has to ask himself "Was that the vodka talking?"
Out of the Sack
During a hot roll in the hay, it's easy to get caught up in the moment and say (or yell) "I. Love. You!" But your guy wants to know you're equally as hooked once the postorgasm fog lifts.
Over the phone, via e-mail, or by text message are all really bad ways to profess your love to someone for the first time. One, it's a cop-out. If you feel that strongly, look him in the eye and say so. Two, regardless of how many emoticons you throw in an e-mail or text, the message often gets misconstrued. Before He Says It
If you're feeling the love itch, chances are he is as well but is too chicken to be the initiator.
Quotes from www.cosmopolitan.com
Writer and Editor
Friday, 9 May 2008
Live and let go!

We all know it is hard to let go of someone, but sometimes just keeping them your Ex can be the hardest thing to do. We are caught up in our emotions and feelings, so we sometimes consider taking them back. We might ran into them and discover that they looked even better than the last time you might have seen them. The Ex might start to make you feel the way you used to when you first met. But what we have to remember that they are only acting like this because they might want you back. However, once they have you its back to their old self again.
We fail to realise the reasons that we broke up with them in the first place. I hate do admit it but Ive done the same thing before. Its the loneliness within you that drives you to do such a crazy thing or have such a crazy thought of rekindling past loves. It's not like we cant live without them, its just the need to have someone there is stronger than the realisation of knowing that you can do so much better. But how do you easily let go of someone that you might have been in love with? Its easier said than done but first you have to break all types communication with them. Even when you delete their number, its unacceptable to ring your phone company to retrieve their number that you have just deleted. You probably wont even use the number once you get it back, you just see it as some kind of security in being able to see their number rather than using it. There is no reason for you to have that number unless you have a child together. Dont try to find an excuse to have it if this doesn't apply to you.
If your finding it hard to get over them, join a dating agency. There are a lot of potential men out there that need to be tamed. You just have to look in the right places.
Writer and Editor
Thursday, 1 May 2008
STATEMENT SHOES done best by New Look
Striking shoes were seen all over the catwalk this year. For sexy towering heels look no further than high street label New Look. These peep toe patent shoes will keep you in fashion even when the season changes.
They come in 3 different shades, black, gold and white. So there is a colour that suites all different taste buds.

£20.00 from New Look.
They come in 3 different shades, black, gold and white. So there is a colour that suites all different taste buds.

£20.00 from New Look.
Fantasies Fulfilled.

We all have fantasies; they might vary from being incredibly wild or sensually subtle. Whatever fantasies we choose to have they need to be fulfilled before we reach the age where these fantasies are hard to achieve. The thought of me wearing a sexy maid’s outfit in my 40's just doesn't sit well with my stomach. I don’t want to make anyone puke let alone my husband (fingers crossed i'll be married by then).
When it comes to fulfilling these fantasies you need to let your partner know exactly what you want so that he/she might be able to make it happen. It's kind of scary for your man to walk in your bedroom or he's and there you are tied to a bedpost blind folded and him wondering who the hell tied you to the bed in the first place. However, surprises can also be good. But its better to discuss these things before the fantasies can be fulfilled. If you are shy about confessing your fantasies to your man, why not write down little notes and leave them somewhere he might be able to notice in an instance. I.e he's laptop or he's PS2. That is the only way he might notice your little notes unless he is so engrossed in he's boys toys then I suggest you tell him or show him.
Being extremely vocal always plays a big part in achieving your fantasies, try telling him what you would like to do to him first. The anticipation of actually getting down to business will drive him wild. Fantasies are there to be fulfilled so if you have a few under your sleeve there is no point of keeping them up there. Try out a little indulging, it will only make your sex life much more enjoyable and your man/woman will appreciate you sharing these fantasies with them.
Writer and Editor
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